
A frenectomy is a simple surgical procedure performed to release the connection of the “frenum,” a connective muscle between two tissues. Dr. Gocke can perform these procedures with a laser that allows for less anesthesia, less bleeding and less postoperative pain.
There are two types of oral frenectomies that are frequently performed on both adults and children for a variety of reasons:
- A labial frenectomy is performed on the tissue that connects the lip to the gums. This may be performed on children or adults to aid with orthodontic treatment or even help with the proper fitting for a denture or appliance.
- A lingual frenectomy may also be referred to as the release of tongue-ties (ankyloglossia). This procedure is performed on the connective tissue under the tongue. The procedure is often performed on neonatal patients to assist with nursing or on toddlers or older patients who need the surgery to help correct speech issues caused by limited movement due the frenum.