Facial Cosmetic Surgery

We are your greatest support to re-shape your jaw, face, and smile to better-than-new conditions.
Dr. Gocke and Dr. Vigliante performs surgical procedures to improve, restore and enhance your complexion from orthognathic and corrective jaw surgery to wisdom teeth extractions and facial reconstruction. These procedures are done all under one roof and for all ages.
Procedures offered include:
- Candella RF Sublative Technology
- Core CO2 Laser Facial Rejuvenation
- Hair Transplants
Dr. Gocke and Dr. Vigliante also serves on the medical staff at Virginia Hospital Center and INOVA Fairfax, Loudoun, and Fair Oaks Hospitals saving people who suffer car accidents and serious facial and oral trauma.
Facial trauma involves injuries to the bone, teeth, skin, gums, or other soft tissues. The primary goals of treatment are to stop any bleeding, create a clear airway, repair any broken or fractured bone, and suture any damaged soft tissue. As long as there are no life-threatening injuries or neck fractures, immediate treatment is often ideal. Treatment of facial trauma often requires a hospital environment although some procedures can be performed in an office setting.
Dr. Gocke and Dr. Vigliante meet and exceed these modern standards. Dr. Gocke and Dr. Vigliante are on staff at local hospitals and delivers emergency room coverage for facial injuries, which include the following conditions:
- Facial lacerations
- Intraoral lacerations
- Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
- Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose, or eye socket)
- Fractured jaws (upper and lower jaw)
Only a physician with this level of expertise can restore your self-image cosmetically and functionally.